M.Sc. Daria Ovsyannikova
TU Dortmund University
Department of Statistics
Chair of Econometrics and Statistics
CDI Building, Room 002a
44221 Dortmund
E-mail: daria.ovsyannikovatu-dortmundde
Tel.: +49 231 755 5528
- since July 2024: Research assistant and doctoral candidate
- 2022-2024: Student and research assistant at the Chairs of Business and Social Statistics and Econometrics and Statistics
- 2021-2024: M.Sc. Econometrics, TU Dortmund University
Master thesis: Pooled OLS Estimation and Inference under Cross-Sectional Dependence of Uncertain Strength - 2016-2020: B.Sc. Economics, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
- Panel data models
- Factor models
- Inference under cross-sectional dependence
- Decision Theory (Winter 2024/25)
- Econometrics (Summer 2023, Summer 2024)
- Statistical Theory (Winter 2022/23, Winter 2023/24)